Friday 17 September 2010

A New Dawn

Well its the beginning of the end. The final year has arrived, and with it a fresh start and a chance to prove what I can do to myself, my peers, and the industry.

Without sounding like a pretentious idiot, I really feel like this year is going to be a good one. I've had productive summer, doing freelance work, meeting people in industry, reversing into cars (allegedly) and generally just doing alot of drawing. All of this seems to have put me in good stead for this year, and I feel optimistic and ready to have a good go and what comes my way, and grasp any opportunity that I can.

I had ameeting with Paul Windle Design during the summer break and they seemed to be keen to take me for work experience during this year, I'll grab that with both hands, it would be fantastic to see how they work, and I'll probably learn how many bad habits I've picked up too.

I'm also busy with the freelance work I mentioned earlier, its basically some illustrations for some jigsaws and colouring books for a theatre company in South Shields. I'm awaiting on the approval for the linework at the moment, so I'll be bashing on with that once it comes through.

I thought I'd start of my first post with some of the work I did over the summer, so here goes:

This was a little piece I did just for fun, I rarely draw women, and this is something I'd like to remedy this year. I had rendering this one out... especially the face.

This was a wee piece I did for my portfolio

I did this for an potential iPhone app that hasn't took over off, or even left the hanger really. It was originally for 250 characters for a kind of top trumps game. In one way I really wanted this to come off as it would have been well paid, however on the other hand its about half a years work

Again, this was done for fun and my portfolio. I think the fire works alright on this.

Something abit different from me, I gave myself about an half and a half and just painted a quick scene.

And finally, here are a couple of initial designs for this years AD207 project. I'm I'll chop and change them in the coming weeks.

Thats about it for now. I've got a few animations that have really grabbed my attention that I'll be posting up soon.

Also, if anyone would like to follow my personal blog, the address is:

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